Living single season 3 dvd cover
Living single season 3 dvd cover

living single season 3 dvd cover

5 myths about singleness and how to NOT to fall for them.The author has laid out the content in a Q and A style interlaced with Scripture… The message to singles is that God offers intimacy, companionship, security, fulfillment and meaning in relationship with Himself."-Dave Barkey, Retired Pastor, Colorado, Team Rose Representative Includes Practical Tools and Tips on How to Develop a Healthy Perspective of Singleness: "June Hunt has written a tract for singles that could have been entitled “A Guide to a Healthy Christian Life.” The format facilitates the reader’s desire to grasp basic truths quickly. Includes a close up look at what the Bile says about singleness and includes encouraging Scriptures! "Steps to Solution" Section provides practical, Bible-based advice on how to develop a healthy perspective of singleness, how to be C.O.N.T.E.N.T, and how to line up your self-image with God's image of you.Experience the peace that comes from fully realizing that it is God-not a spouse-that can complete us, making us fill whole and giving us the love, significance, and security we so often crave from others. Characteristics Section, covering the 18 signs of discontentment and practical ways to use your time of singleness for God's purpose and glory.Definition Section, covering key definitions and insights on singleness including the 3 types of singleness (single for all seasons, single for a season, and single again) and the unique challenges each faces.Perfect resources for anyone who is single and Christian (including single Christian women, single moms, single Christian men, etc.) Christian and Single? Find out God's View of Singleness and Discover the Benefits of Living Single This 96-page book, Singleness: How to Be Single and Satisfied, features. Whether you are single for a season or single again, discover biblical truths about how God wants to use your singleness to fulfill His purpose and plan for your life. Many feel like they are missing out because they’re missing marriage, wondering: Is there something wrong with me? When is it my turn? What if I never find someone? In Singleness: How to be Single and Satisfied, June Hunt reveals how to be happy being single, how to uproot common causes of discontentment, and how to find joy in knowing that God is our ultimate “need-meeter” for love, significance, and security. Some Christian singles are perfectly content-while others are not.

Living single season 3 dvd cover